Performance Management
Annual Performance Evaluations
While performance management is an ongoing process, all full-time South Georgia State College staff will be evaluated annually on their work performance. Performance evaluations should be used for supervisors and employees to further communicate about performance, as well as set goals, expectations and development opportunities for the coming year.
The period evaluated each year is January 1 - December 31. All staff employees who completed their provisional period by December 31 should have an annual evaluation completed.
What is ePerformance?
PeopleSoft ePerformance is a web-based, self-service, performance management solution that will streamline and improve the evaluation process.
Evaluation Cycle
What are the steps of the Evaluation Cycle?
Goal Setting Process - Discussions between manager and employee to set goals for the evaluation period.
Define Criteria - Goals cannot be entered by employee; manager can enter, edit and delete.
Ongoing Goal and Performance Review - Regular discussions between manager and employee.
Checkpoint 1 - Managers can have a formal feedback with their employees. Managers are able to edit, delete and add goals as needed.
January 27 - January 31
Finalizing Goals - Confirm which goals will be rated on the final evaluation.
Finalize Criteria - Managers are able to edit and delete before opening the final evaluation to the employee.
February 3 - February 21
Evaluation in Progress - Employee completes self-evaluation. Manager can nominate others for feedback and begin drafting ratings and comments
Evaluation in Progress - Employee completes self-evaluation. Manager can nominate others for feedback and begin drafting ratings and comments
February 24 - March 14
Evaluation in Progress - Manager completes employee evaluation.
Evaluatiion in Progress - Manager completes employee evaluation.
March 17 - March 21
Evaluation in Progress - Manager meets with employee to complete 1:1 discussions.
Manager and employee discuss goals for the next evaluation cycle.
Evaluation in Progress - Manager meets with employee to complete 1:1 discussions.
Manager and employee discuss goals for the next evaluation cycle.
March 24 - March 28
Evaluation in Progress - Obtain next level approval. Employee acknowledges evaluation in the system.
Manager approves and complete the evaluation.
Evaluation in Progress - Obtain next level approval. Employee acknowledges evaluation in the system.
Manager approves and complete the evaluation.
Steps for the Evaluation Cycle
2025 ePerformance Training
Please contact the Office of Human Resources to schedule training sessions. Training sessions can be for an individual, team or a department.
Frequently Asked Questions
I am trying to complete my self-evaluation but I am not able to enter my feedback when I expand the box. How can I resolve this issue?
Self-evaluations cannot be completed by an employee unti the manager has moved it through the first three steps. When the evaluation is ready for you to complete, the link "complete self-evaluation" will be green in color, click the link and you will be able to add your ratings and comments.
Is there a preferred browser that I should use for OneUSG?
While most browsers are compatible with OneUSG, we've found that Chrome works best while navigating through ePerformance.
ePerformance Job Aid