Recruitment Policy
South Georgia State College Employee Recruitment Policy
South Georgia State College is committed to employing the best qualified candidates while engaging in recruitment and selection practices that comply with all applicable employment laws. It is the policy of South Georgia State College to provide Equal Employment Opportunity to all applicants and employees. In accordance with the USG (University System of Georgia) Statement of Principles, South Georgia State College recruitment procedures shall be free of ideological tests, affirmations, and oaths. The determining factors for all hiring, promotion, and tenure shall be based on the knowledge, skills, and abilities required to perform the essential functions, responsibilities and duties associated with the position. At the cored of any hiring, promotion, or tenure decision is ensuring South Georgia State College's ability to achieve our mission and strategic priorities in support of student success.
All senior administrator hires including details surrounding the search process, priorities, the committee members, hiring criteria, and the use of search firms, if applicable, must follow the additional steps outlined in the senior administrator hiring process.
Recruitment Screening
Faculty and staff recruitment at South Georgia State College shall be based on the College need and availability of resources.
The hiring manager and department head will identify the need for an opening position in the department.
The hiring manager submits a completed critical hire form to the unit’s Vice President, Vice President of Fiscal Affairs, then the HR (Human Resources) department requesting posting of a job, along with a job description with 8-9 bullet points. One bullet point will be listed as “All other related job duties”. Job requirements such as minimum and preferred qualifications are considered selection tests and must be validated by human resources to ensure they are job-related and consistent with business necessity. After receiving approval from all departments, HR will post the job in Careers and on any other hiring platforms used by the College.
The hiring manager and the HR department will determine the appropriate recruitment sources for the posting (internal or external). Internal job posting will remain open for a minimum of three (3) business days. External job postings will remain open for at least five (5) business days or until filled.
The HR department will meet with the hiring manager to discuss the selection of the search committee and the required training for committee members. Search committees may vary based on the position's impact to stakeholders (Campuswide, USG, Department, Etc.)
Search committees are customarily formed when a position impacts multiple stakeholders or areas of the college. The search committee should be composed of a representative from each affected area, as well as someone knowledgeable about employment best practices and legal issues (often a representative from human resources).
If the position only impacts your department, the search committee can be made up with 2-3 persons from your department.
Contact the HR department if only one person is available to conduct the interview process in your department.
Upon hire, HR will remove the online job posting by closing the post and send correspondence to candidates who were not selected.
Hiring Manager
The hiring manager will determine and communicate the committee’s charge. In what order would you like to receive the committee’s recommendation (rank order, strengths/weaknesses/top candidate)?
The hiring manager shall submit all interview questions to HR for review. Upon receiving HR’s approval, the search committee shall not deviate from the approved questions. All candidates selected to go through the interview process must be asked the same questions.
The hiring manager and search committee will review resumes collected via the applicant tracking system (Careers). Before a committee can invite their short list for interviews, they shall collaborate with HR who will review the minimum requirements of the candidate pool and provide the committee with guidance as needed.
The Hiring Manager is responsible for conducting timely, effective interviews of qualified candidates. The HR department is available to advise the hiring managers on interview techniques.
The hiring manager will schedule interviews for the selected candidates. Update interview information in the system.
A rubric should be completed for each candidate interviewed and will be used to make a final candidate selection.
The hiring manager will conduct reference checks on the selected final candidate. A minimum of three (3) work-related references are required for all regular positions to be completed by the hiring manager/search committees. Non-supervisory position: three (3) work-related references preferred, two (2) will be acceptable.
Upon the selection of the final candidate, the hiring manager will inform the HR Director of the committee’s selection and submit a completed PAF (Personnel Action Form) to the Business Office to confirm compensation.
The Hiring Manager will extend an informal verbal offer of employment to the candidate selected. Inform the selected candidate that the department is recommending him/her for the position. The HR Department will prepare a written employment offer, which is contingent on the successful completion of the required background checks.
The Academic Affairs department will prepare written offers of employment/faculty contracts for all faculty hires.
The hiring manager will complete the reasons for candidates not selected for the ATS (Applicant Tracking System) position.
The hiring manager will provide HR with all the search committee documents to be filed per USG retention policy.
Search Committee Members
The hiring manager and search committee members are required to complete the search committee training provided by the Office of Human Resources.
Upon the completion of the required search committee training, the search committee will receive access to the applicant tracking system (ATS).
HR will keep track of employees who have completed the search committee training. If an individual has not served on a search committee for more than one year, HR will recommend refresher training for such person.
HR facilitates these training face to face or online.
The search committee is responsible for confirming that the minimum qualifications have been met. The screening rubric will assist in providing written documentation and justification for the search committee’s decisions.
The search committee members are expected to review the position description and any other relevant information regarding the job.
The search committee along with the hiring manager will establish interview questions and response standards to the questions. HR will keep a repository of appropriate questions to be used by the search committees.
The search committee independently review applicants, complete the applicant matrix prior to the first search committee meeting with the hiring manager.
The search committee should utilize the matrix provided by the HR office for each step of the screening process.
HR will determine the compensation for the position based on the salary model used at SGSC (South Georgia State College).
The Business Office will determine funds availability for the position and provide salary approval.
Promotion and Tenure
The basis and determining factor for hiring, promotion, and tenure should be that the individual possesses the requisite knowledge, skills, and abilities associated with the role, and is believed to have the ability to successfully perform the essential functions, responsibilities, and duties associated with the position for which they are being considered. At the core of any hiring, promotion, or tenure decision is ensuring the Institution's ability to achieve its mission and strategic priorities in support of student success.
Each year, by no later than May 31st, the Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs or designee will verify which faculty members are eligible to apply for tenure and/or promotion for the next academic year and will notify these faculty and the appropriate deans. When a faculty member on the list wishes to be considered for tenure and/or promotion in rank, he/she must notify the Dean of their intent, providing them with a completed P & T form and a copy of their P & Tenure portfolio, and upload the form and the portfolio to GeorgiaVIEW by no later than November 15th. The request for promotion or tenure moves from the faculty member to the Dean to the Promotion and Tenure Committee to the Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs (VPASA) for final approval by the President.
The Promotion and Tenure Committee (PTC), consisting of three tenured faculty members from different divisions, will conduct a review of the faculty member’s accomplishments in the following categories: superior teaching; outstanding service to the institution, and/or the community; professional growth through research, scholarly activity, and/or academic achievement; and academic advisement. The dossier submitted by the faculty member shall contain the following items:
A current resume including a list of publications and activities.
A summary or bulleted list of accomplishments from at least three out of the last five years of service addresses each of the four SGSC criteria categories.
Copies of annual evaluations, the faculty member’s annual reports, and student evaluations from a minimum of three out of the last five years of service.
Any other materials the faculty member wishes to have included for the PTC.
- The PTC will make a recommendation to the appropriate Dean, then the Dean makes a recommendation to the VPASA, who makes a recommendation to the President for final determination.
Upon receiving the President’s decision, the VPASA office will notify the applicant of the decision.
Social Media
SGSC will not incorporate Social Media search engines platforms as part of the recruitment process. There are potential discrimination claims associated with incorporating social media in the hiring process. One issue that may arise in connection with the use of social media is employment discrimination based on a job applicant's protected class such as race, national origin, age, or sex.
Social media can reveal race, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, religion, disability, and other protected characteristics that may not be revealed in a resume. If a candidate can show that their job candidacy was adversely affected by a prospective employer's social media search, prospective employer may be liable in an anti-discrimination case.