
Testing and Assessment

Testing and Assessment Center

The Enrollment Services staff coordinates the effort to offer entrance and placement testing for incoming students and academic testing required outside the classroom.  The testing is usually in Engram Hall.

Students with documented disabilities who require special testing conditions should contact Mr. Stanley Sinkfield, Coordinator of Disability Services, at  912.260.4435.  South Georgia State College collaborates with the Regents Center for Learning Disabilities to provide proper documentation.  The completion of these services may require several weeks.

To request testing information not on this site, please contact us at  912.260.4435 or e-mail

Tests administered from the Testing and Assessment Center are:

Academic Profile
Entrance and Placement Tests (AccuPlacer)

The AccuPlacer is a college-placement exam that provides a student’s advisor with the information necessary to place the student in the correct courses.

The AccuPlacer measures a student’s abilities in English, reading and math.  Students cannot pass or fail the AccuPlacer.  Performance on the test alerts the advisor to any deficiencies that must be addressed before the student is prepared for college-level work. Sample test items are available on the AccuPlacer page from the CollegeBoard website.

Students who are required to take the AccuPlacer Test should call 912.260.4206 for available test times. Those students who need to take the AccuPlacer are students who have not taken the SAT/ACT test and/or who received their GED. Students taking the AccuPlacer Test should be prepared to present a picture ID (preferably a driver’s license).  The admissions office will provide paper, pencil, and calculator. No cell phones are permitted during testing times.

AccuPlacer scores are available immediately upon completion of the test and can be obtained from the admissions office. AccuPlacer scores are required before students may register for classes. There is no charge for the AccuPlacer for the first attempt. A $10 fee per each section taken is required for the second attempt. You are only allowed to take the test two times. No exceptions!

If you are not on time, your appointment may be given to the next available student.

Testing Schedule

Registration deadlines for regular registration are usually around 5 weeks before the test dates. Register online or mail SAT registration materials and payment to: College Board SAT Program, Princeton, NJ 08541 - To have your scores sent to South Georgia State College, enter the code 5619.


Registration deadlines for regular registration are usually around 5 weeks before the test dates. Register online or mail ACT registrations and payment to: ACT Registration Department, PO Box 414, Iowa City, IA 52243-0414 - To have your scores sent to South Georgia State College, enter the code 00862.

*For additional information about SAT and ACT testing, please contact tthe SGSC Office of Campus Life in Powell Hall 912.260.4427.



Proctoring Services serves South Georgia State College students, faculty, staff, and the surrounding community with test administration for purposes of independent study, online course exams, and related testing. To arrange testing on the Douglas or Waycross campus, please contact Alexandra Cardiel in Academic Success at 912.260.4290 or e-mail at least two weeks prior to your exam date. Proctored exams are offered by appointment only, Monday through Friday. Please note that there is a minimum fee of $20 for each proctored exam that must be paid in cash or check prior to exam administration; however, this fee is waived for currently enrolled South Georgia State College students. A valid photo ID is required for all testing and no cell phones are permitted.


Kim Sutliff
South Georgia State College