
Entrance Testing

Effective Spring 2017, the AccuPlacer test will be used for entrance and placement purposes to determine whether learning support classes are needed.  

Even though Compass Test is no longer being offered, we will continue to accept Compass scores. Scores may not be combined from the Compass and AccuPlacer tests. The AccuPlacer test can be exempted if one of the following requirements are met:

  • New SAT scores 480 Reading and 440 Math
  • Old SAT scores of 430 English and  400 math
  • ACT scores of 17 English and 17 Math

Please remember that a $10.00 Retest Fee is required, if a retest is needed or requested.

EPI (English Placement Index) and MPI (Math Placement Index) may also be used, beginning Spring 2017, to determine Learning Support Status.  Click here for score ranges for all Entrance Exams and EPI and MPI Information.

To schedule to take the exam, please call Admissions at (912) 260-4206 (Douglas Campus) and (912) 449-7592 (Waycross Campus) or email

AccuPlacer Test Resources

Please click on the following links to access practice questions and to learn more about the test.

AccuPlacer Information & score placements/requirements

AccuPlacer Practice