
Tuition Assistance Program (TAP)

 The Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) is an employee supplemental educational assistance program which results in the waiver of tuition and fees when an empoyee attends any University System of Georgia (USG) institution. Tuition assistance requires TAP application approval every semester and is based on space availability within the academic course(s) and/or degree program of the institution attended.

Employee Eligibility

The tuition assistance program is available to active full time benefits-eligible employees of the USG who have successfully completed at least six (6) months of employment in a benefits-eligible position, as of the date of the TAP application deadline for the desired academic semester.

The purpose of TAP is to foster professional growth and development of eligible employees. The policy also ensures institutions are consistent in their application of the policy.

Application Deadlines

Summer Semester 
April 15th
Fall Semester 
July 15th
Spring Semester 
November 15th


If any of these dates fall on a holiday or on a weekend, the application deadline will be the last business day prior to the dates identified.


How To Submit Your Application?
Email ONE copy of your completed TAP application to the TAP email alias at tap@sgsc.edu.

  • Include seven-digit Employee ID# AND  Student ID# for the school you are attending (for SGSC this starts with 988)
  • If there are any errors or missing information on your application, it must be corrected and returned for processing prior to the deadline.
  • Encrypt your email when sending the application for security compliance.
  • Keep a copy of the confirmation email for your records.
  • TAP applications must be submitted by the employee, not the supervisor.  Allow sufficient time to obtain your supervisor’s approval and signature to meet the deadline.
  • Include the course name, CRN number, and credit hours on the TAP application.
  • Academic certificate program as an option (in addition to UG or GR)
  • Must indicate your program & designation and must be credential seeking (student has been accepted for enrollment at a USG institution with an intent to complete an Associate degree, Bachelor degree, Master degree, PhD, or Academic Certificate program)

USG TAP Policy
Systemwide TAP Application Form
Graduate Student Tax Waiver Application
Frequently Asked Questions
TAP Employee Registration Dates

TAP Contact Information

Phone: 912-260-4376
Email: tap@sgsc.edu