Academic Transfer Pathways School of Arts and Sciences
Degree & Transfer Pathways at SGSC
School of Arts & Sciences
Business Administration (A.S.)
Students who earn the A.S. degree in business administration may pursue the bachelor's degree in accounting, economics, finance, general business, international business, industrial relations, management, management systems, marketing, real estate, risk management, and insurance. Academic advisement for this pathway is provided by the School of Arts and Sciences.
Students who earn the Associate of Arts degree in communication are prepared to transfer as juniors to a senior college or university. Students so prepared could elect to complete the bachelor’s degree in communication arts. Those students could also opt for any number of programs offered by a school or college of arts and sciences. Academic advisement for this program is provided by the School of Arts and Sciences.
The Associate of Science degree with a major in criminal justice transfers toward the Bachelor of Science degree in criminal justice and prepares students for possible employment in entry-level positions in municipal, state, and federal law enforcement; corrections; juvenile justice; and probation.
This transfer pathway permits students to complete the first two years of preparation leading to teacher certification in early childhood education, middle grades education, secondary education, special education, speech-language pathology education, or health and physical education. Subsequent admission to a teacher education program at a senior college or university in the University System of Georgia requires a cumulative grade point average of 2.5 and passing the Reading, Writing, and Mathematics portions of the GACE basic skills assessment test. Academic advisement for this pathway is provided by the School of Arts and Sciences.
Pathway Maps of the Education major with the following options:
Early Childhood Education Option
Middle Grades Education Option
Students who earn the Associate of Arts degree in English are prepared to transfer as juniors to a senior college or university. Students so prepared could elect to complete the bachelor's degree in English or English education. Those students could also opt for any number of programs offered by a school or college of arts and sciences. Academic advisement for this program is provided by the School of Arts and Sciences.
Students who earn the Associate of Arts degree in foreign language are prepared to transfer as juniors to a senior college or university. Students so prepared could elect to complete the bachelor's degree in foreign language or foreign language education. Those students could also opt for any number of programs offered by a school or college of arts and sciences. Academic advisement for this program is provided by the School of Arts and Sciences.
Students who complete this pathway can move into almost any major or program at a senior college or university confident that the skills and knowledge acquired will be applicable. However, the careers and occupations for which this preparation is especially helpful are archival service, communications, curators for museums and galleries, education (in numerous disciplines including history at the elementary, secondary, and college levels), foreign service, government service, historic preservation, international business, journalism, law, library science, military science, armed services, and public administration. Academic advisement for this pathway is provided by the School of Arts and Sciences.
Students who complete this pathway are prepared to pursue the bachelor’s degree in business administration with a major in logistics and intermodal transportation at a senior university awarding this degree. Transportation firms, industry and government alike employ graduates trained and qualified in the coordination of intermodal transportation and supply chain management.
With appropriate advisement, the A.S. degree in Logistics also prepares graduates for the bachelor's degree in accounting, economics, finance, general business, international business, industrial relations, management, management systems, marketing, real estate, risk management, and insurance. Academic advisement for this pathway is provided by the School of Arts and Sciences.
Students who complete this pathway can move into almost any major or program at a senior college or university confident that the skills and knowledge acquired will be useful. However, the careers and occupations for which this preparation is especially helpful are communications, education (in numerous disciplines including political science at the elementary, secondary, and college levels), foreign service, government service (at local, state, and federal levels-civil service), international business, journalism, law, and law administration. Academic advisement for this pathway is provided by the School of Arts and Sciences..
Students who complete this pathway are prepared to pursue the bachelor's degree in psychology or related fields at a senior college or university. Academic advisement for this pathway is provided by the School of Arts and Sciences.
Students who complete this pathway are prepared to pursue the bachelor's degree in archaeology, civil service, cultural resource management, demography, education, foreign service, international trade, marketing, military service (intelligence or special forces), planning, recreation, or sociology. Academic advisement for this pathway is provided by the School of Arts and Sciences.
Students who earn the Associate of Arts degree in Theatre are prepared to transfer as juniors to a senior college or university. Students so prepared could elect to complete the bachelor's degree in Theatre. Those students could also opt for any number of programs offered by a school or college of arts and sciences. Academic advisement for this program is provided by the School of Arts & Sciences.
Students who complete this program are prepared to pursue the bachelor's degree in biology or a related field at a senior college or university. Biologists deal with living organisms and the relationship between organisms and their environment. Most careers in biology require graduate study in a life science area. Many doctors, veterinarians, and ophthalmologists major in biology. Other career opportunities include work in botany, agronomy, animal science, ecology, toxicology, pathology, and biological oceanography. Academic advisement for this program is provided by the School of Arts & Sciences.
Students who complete this program are prepared to pursue the bachelor's degree in chemistry or a related field at a senior college or university. Chemists search for and put into practical use new knowledge about substances. They work in manufacturing production by preparing instructions for each stage in a manufacturing process and testing samples for quality control. Some chemists work as marketing or sales representatives for chemical industries. Other careers for chemists include research and teaching. As with biology, many doctors, veterinarians, and pharmacists major in chemistry. Academic advisement for this program is provided by the School of Arts & Sciences.
Students who complete this program are prepared to pursue the bachelor's degree in computer or information science or a related field at a senior college or university. Computers can process vast quantities of information rapidly and accurately, but only if they are given step by step instructions to follow. Computer scientists function as programmers and systems analysts. The computer programmer must write detailed instructions that list in a logical order the steps the machine must follow to organize data, solve a problem, or do some other task. Analysts use various techniques, such as cost accounting, sampling, and mathematical model building to analyze problems and devise new systems. Academic advisement for this program is provided by the School of Arts & Sciences.
Health and Human Performance (A.S.)
Students who complete this program are prepared to transfer to a senior institution and pursue a bachelor’s degree in athletic training, sports medicine, exercise science, and other disciplines related to health and human performance. Academic advisement for this program is provided by the School of Arts & Sciences.
Students who complete this program are prepared to pursue the bachelor's degree in mathematics or mathematics education. Theoretical mathematicians develop new principles and relationships. Applied mathematicians develop mathematical approaches to solve practical problems in business, government, engineering, and the various sciences. Many mathematicians work in colleges, teaching and doing research. Others work in private industry or government as actuaries, statisticians, or economists. Academic advisement for this program is provided by the School of Arts & Sciences.
Students who complete this program are prepared to pursue the bachelor's degree in physics or engineering. Through systematic observation and experimentation, physicists describe in mathematical terms the structure of the universe and the interaction of matter and energy. Physicists develop theories that describe the fundamental forces of nature. Most physicists work in research and development. Some do basic research to increase scientific knowledge while others do applied research and help develop new products. Academic advisement for this program is provided by the School of Arts & Sciences.
This program prepares students to pursue a bachelor's degree in dental hygiene, medical records administration, medical technology, occupational therapy, physical therapy, or sonography. Dental hygienists remove deposits and stains from teeth, instruct patients in self-care, take and develop x-rays, and make impressions of teeth. Medical records administrators manage systems to document, store, and retrieve medical information. Medical technologists analyze blood and other body fluids and tissues. Occupational therapists work to enhance human functions through education, vocational and recreational activities. Physical therapists help rehabilitate handicapped individuals through activities designed to improve strength and mobility. Sonographers utilize diagnostic sound waves to assist in the diagnosis of disease and injury. Academic advisement for this program is provided by the School of Arts & Sciences.
Students enrolled in this program are cautioned to correlate their SGSC work with that required by the senior college or university to which they will transfer.
School of Nursing
The LPN-RN Bridge program is for LPN graduates who have completed their technical/vocational college degree and are currently licensed in Georgia to practice as an LPN. This pathway allows students to complete the nursing courses and earn their ASN with three semesters of nursing courses. In addition to the nursing courses students must complete the general education courses. A total of 27 general education hours are required before starting the LPN Bridge program including BIOL 2210K, BIOL 2211K, and PSYC 1101. Completion of all general education courses is strongly advised before enrolling in Nursing 1104 LPN-RN Career Mobility.
Associate of Science in Nursing (ASN)
The ASN program is designed for individuals who want to earn an Associate of Science in Nursing and take the NCLEX-RN to be licensed as a Registered Nurse.