
Metric Two

Metric 2: Three-Year Graduation Rate, FTFT Associate Degree-Seeking Students

The three-year graduation rate data in the table below compares the five-year SGSC rates to the average rates for the same period for all eight USG state colleges. "Institution-specific" refers to students graduating from SGSC, "System-wide for SGSC" refers to former SGSC students who graduate from any USG institution, and "System-wide for all state colleges" refers to students who began at a USG institution, transferred to another USG institution, and graduated from the USG institution to which they transferred.

First-Time Full-Time Associate Degree-Seeking Freshmen Three-Year Graduation Rates Institution- Specific for
State Colleges 
System-Wide for
State Colleges
Institution-Specific Rate for SGSC System-Wide Rate for SGSC Avg institution- specific rate for
all 8 USG state colleges
Avg rate within the System for 
all 8 USG state colleges
Cohort N N % N % % %
Cohort Graduated Graduated Graduated Graduated Graduated Graduated
Fall 2013 878 105 11.96% 108 12.30% 13.40% 13.80%
Fall 2014 818 118 14.43% 123 15.04% 13.80% 14.20%
Fall 2015 910 120 13.19% 125 13.74% 15.20% 15.50%
Fall 2016 812 130 16.01% 132 16.26% 14.50% 14.80%
Fall 2017 768 147 19.14% 149 19.40% 15.60% 15.90%
Fall 2018 773 119 15.40% 124 16.00% 16.30% 16.70%
Fall 2019 664 133 20.03% 135 20.33% 16.30% 16.40%
Fall 2020 419 112 26.73% 114 27.20% 15.40% 15.60%
Source: USG Graduation Rate Reports -

Analysis and Evaluation of Metric 2

The three-year graduation rate data in Metric 2 compares the six-year SGSC rates to the average rates for the same period for all eight USG state colleges. “Institution-specific” refers to students graduating from SGSC, “System-wide for SGSC” refers to former SGSC students who graduate from any USG institution, and “System-wide for all state colleges” refers to students who began at a USG institution, transferred to another USG institution, and graduated from the USG institution to which they transferred.

It is noteworthy that SGSC’s institution-specific graduation rate (fall 2020, 26.7%) exceeds the average graduation rate for all USG state colleges.