
Comprehensive Program Review

Academic Program Review

The goal of the Comprehensive Program Review (CPR) at South Georgia State College (SGSC) is to document that all academic programs offered at SGSC productively contribute to the college's mission. SGSC's Comprehensive Program Review will examine the viability, productivity, and quality of programs at SGSC through an examination and identification of the strengths and weaknesses of the program, the connectivity of the program to the mission of the college, the outcomes assessment taking place within the program, the cost-effectiveness of the program, and the long-term viability of the program. Comprehensive Program Review is a response to the University System of Georgia's (USG) Program Review Task Force Final Report (September 2008). Comprehensive Program Review at SGSC is consistent with the Board of Regents Policy Manual (3.6.3 Comprehensive Academic Program Review).

Academic units participating in comprehensive program review will generate a self-study report addressing program productivity, quality, and viability. The internal review will be led by the appropriate academic dean/division chair or the Vice President for Academic Affairs & Student Affairs, with support from the faculty who teach within the program. Program self-studies must demonstrate their effectiveness in educating their students, document adequate resources (faculty, space, etc.)to fulfill their mission, and articulate how they fulfill the specific needs of students and the community.

Each degree program will be evaluated within seven years of inception; after that, the evaluation will follow a five-year cycle.

Self-Studies and Reviews for National Program Accreditation

Accreditation materials may be used to support the program review process; however, these materials are not substituting for the program review process.

Timeline for Comprehensive Program Review South Georgia State College

South Georgia College and Waycross College consolidated in January 2013 to form the new South Georgia State College (SGSC) institution. The first full academic year for South Georgia State College was 2013-2014. Because of the consolidation and adherence to Board the of Regents Policy Manual - 3.6.3 Comprehensive Academic Program Review, SGSC has established the following timeline for Comprehensive Program Review:

Associate of Science in Nursing (last reviewed in 2010-2011)
Associate of Science in Core Curriculum
Associate of Arts in Core Curriculum
Bachelor of Science in Nursing (program began in Fall 2012)
Associate of Science in Nursing
Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences (program began in Fall 2014)
Bachelor of Science in Management (program began in Fall 2016)
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Bachelor of Science in Long-Term Healthcare Management (program began in Fall 2018)
Associate of Science in Nursing
Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences
Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood/Special Education (program began in Fall 2019)
Bachelor of Science in Public Service Leadership (the program began in Fall 2020)
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering Technology (program began in Fall 2020)
Associate of Science in Core Curriculum
Associate of Arts in Core Curriculum
Bachelor of Science in Management


CPR Template