
Staff Council



We, the staff of South Georgia State College, find it to be both desirable and beneficial to draw together into a unified body in order to serve a common goal, address concerns with our peers, and communicate together with a single, strong voice. To that end we declare ourselves to be the Staff Council of South Georgia State College.


The purpose of the Staff Council of South Georgia State College is as follows:

1. Provide a sounding board whereby mutual concerns may be identified and presented to the Cabinet effectively
2. Secure greater staff participation in the decision-making process of the college
3. Recognize and encourage excellence of performance among staff members
4. Pursue fair and impartial treatment of all staff, regardless of position, including equitable work conditions and standards
5. Support and enhance the overall mission of the college


Chair:                                    Yolanda Crosby

Vice Chair:                           Jamica Coates

Secretary:                            Wendy Bullock

Treasurer:                           Catessa Coates

Parliamentarian:               Rhonda Blount


Staff Council executive team meets monthly, and holds institution-wide quarterly meetings that are open to all South Georgia State College staff members. We encourage attendance and participation from all areas of SGSC. Positions are available to be a Staff Council Representative. If you are interested, please email staffcouncil@sgsc.edu.




SGSC Staff Council holds many fundraising events throughout the year to provide support for future staff development opportunities, and to the Staff Book Scholarship. Fundraising events also allow Staff Council to make charitable donations to those in need within our community. For information on Staff Council Fundraising events, click here

If you have any ideas for future fundraising events or know of an organization that would benefit from support of the SGSC Staff Council, please send an email to staffcouncil@sgsc.edu. We welcome any and all ideas!

SGSC Staff Council is giving back by providing staff members who are currently furthering their education with the opportunity to apply for a book scholarship. The Staff Council Book Scholarship will be awarded depending on fund availability, and is not available for dependents, spouses, retired staff or employees on unpaid leave. Applicants must be TAP eligible, but do not have to be using TAP benefits to apply. The recipient(s) of the scholarship are chosen by the Staff Council Book Scholarship Selection Committee. All identifying information will be redacted from the application and accompanying essay prior to review by the selection committee. To view what information will be redacted on the application, click here. The selection committee will use the below rubric to identify each semester's book scholarship recipient. 

Email us here: staffcouncil@sgsc.edu




Completed applications and essays should be sent to staffcouncilbookscholarship@sgsc.edu for redaction and submission to the selection committee. 

If you have any questions about the SGSC Staff Council Book Scholarship, or would like to donate to the Book Scholarship fund, please reach out to us at staffcouncil@sgsc.edu