Life at SGSC

Residency Exemption Form

If you are granted an exemption, any Housing refunds you may be due will be processed by the Office of Housing and Residence Life. Likewise, any Meal Plan refunds will be processed by Business Services.

Send any other required forms and documentation to:

South Georgia State College
ATTN: Sandra Adams
Dean of Students & Housing
100 West College Park Drive
Douglas, GA 31533

Phone: (912) 260-4416
Fax: (912) 260-4458

Students should not sign an apartment lease without first receiving exemption approval. The student assumes the risk of being charged for on-campus housing and apartment rent if the exemption is denied. Failure to supply the required supporting documentation within twenty (20) calendar days from the date of this request will automatically result in a denial of exemption.

I have read the Freshman Residency Exemption Form and understand that I am NOT automatically exempt from SGSC's residency requirement.  I understand that written notice will be received whether my request has been approved or denied.  I also understand that if I have already signed a contract and am now trying to move out of on-campus housing, this form does not release me from any amount due for the contract cancellation process clarified in the termination section of my Residence Hall Contract. 

Please fill out the form below. Required fields are indicated with a * symbol. Thank you.

Identifying Information

This request is for what term:
What year?
First Name
Last Name
Address Line 1
Have you applied for on-campus housing in Douglas?
Confirm you're human.