
Hawk Talk

  • Nursing students spread holiday cheer!

    South Georgia State College GANS -Georgia Association of Nursing Waycross students and Kasey Strickland - Professor of Nursing give a special touch of holiday magic to the community.

  • South Georgia State College Holiday Greeting

    Happy Holidays from South Georgia State College!

  • SGSC Underground

    What’s going on with all the recent digging and trenches on the Douglas Campus? Do you know what’s going on down under you? Do you have any idea about the hidden improvements that will serve SGSC for at least the next 100 years?

  • TheaCo Waycross

    TheaCo Waycross visits Waycross Health & Rehabilitation to spend a little time with the residents. The club played some theatre games with the residents and fun was had by all!

  • SGSC Thanksgiving Auction- Day 3

    Staff Council Presents our 1st Annual Thanksgiving Auction

  • Celebrating our Ethical Culture!

    Ethics Awareness Week - We are all Winners with an Ethical Culture! Join us this week and every week to "Commit to Be Ethical"!

  • Thanksgiving Auction

    Staff Council Presents our 1st Annual Thanksgiving Auction

  • Stocking Stuffer Drive

    Staff Council Presents our 1st Annual Stocking & Stocking Stuffer Drive

  • SGSC GANS help the community

    SGSC GANS students participated in a food drive with Grace Pointe

  • Dr. Fissel Completes Douglas Chamber's Leadership Coffee Program

    Dr. Jodi Fissel, dean of the School of Arts and Professional Studies, was recognized on October 28 for her participation in the Douglas Chamber’s Leadership Coffee Program.

  • Majdi-Saurus-Rex Visits James M. Dye Building

    Mr. Majdi stopped by to check on his financial aid!

  • Feeling Groovy on Waycross Campus!

    Hippie Hawks Spotted @ Waycross Campus Bookstore!

  • SGSC to hold alumni mixer

    SGSC to hold alumni mixer

  • Learning in Action

    Making learning fun!

  • Aqua Hawks finish 3rd at Meet

    The Aqua Hawks had a good showing at the University of the South's 19th Sewanee Invite. The meet took place in Sewanee, TN and we competed against four 4-year schools.

  • “Wit” Rehearsals

    SGSC Theatre Productions and School of Nursing are excited to present “Wit” by Pulitzer Prize winning playwright, Margaret Edson. We will be honored by a visit from Margaret Edson on Saturday, November 16th. Don’t miss out!

  • Time to give back!

    Former education major student at SGSC comes back to instruct students in our new B.S. in Elementary and Special Education!

  • Information Sessions

    SGSC to hold information sessions for Bachelor of Science degree in Elementary and Special Education

  • SGSC's New Institutional Mark!

    I am excited and honored to be a part of this new beginning at our college. As promised, today I am sharing with you the results of many months of focused dialogue and creative work. Read more to learn about SGSC's new mark!

  • “Bridging the GAP” Fund Drive

    Optima Chemical supports SGSC Students

  • New Trustees and Officers

    SGSC Foundation Welcomes New Trustees and Officers at its August Board Meeting

  • "Wit" in rehearsals!

    (Front row - l to r) - Jesenia Lopez (W), Victoria Highsmith(W), Rachel Vuong (D), Crystal Francis (D) (Back row - l to r) - Noah Rouse (W), A’Kye Smith (D), Kerrington Hollis (W), Madison Gruber (D)

  • Tara Roberts, '92

    In the fall of 1991, Tara Roberts, a Warner Robins native, found herself headed to South Georgia State College (formerly SGC) on a softball scholarship. Tara played one year for the former Tigers and she remembers her time at SGSC very fondly.

  • 2003 Throwback

    Lady Hawks

  • New SGSC Hawks Mascot Debut

    The South Georgia State College Hawks will introduce the new official college and athletic team mascot and reveal its name at the first two basketball home season openers Nov. 6 in Douglas and Nov. 16 in Waycross.
