Quicklinks Recruitment Report Recruitment Report Required fields are indicated with a * symbol. Recruiter * Recruiter Blake Joseph Justin Ryan Other (Amy or department chairs etc) Who is submitting report other than a recruiter (if applicable) Location of event or school visit * High school name or event center name City and State of location Date of event or school visit * Please do one event per submission. If you visit multiple places in one day, do one form for each event. Starting time of event or vist * Can be approximate What type of event or visit? * What type of event or visit? Probe Fair Scheduled High School College Fair Scheduled Lunchroom visit Scheduled Counselor visit Materials drop off/unscheduled visit Other If selected Other, what type of event was it? Approximate number of people (students, counselors, parents, etc.) you talked with about SGSC. Put n/a if you don't have an approximate count * Notes Include any notes you have about the event or visit Is there a counselor or school official that needs a follow up email or call about anything specific? If so, put their name and contact info below and AH will follow up.