
Grants and Contracts Process

Grants and Contracts


The South Georgia State College has set up a grant process to help you in your efforts in identifying, requesting and receiving external support for all of your great ideas. Please contact us to discuss ways in which we can help you to be successful. We are happy to answer any questions.

Before submitting grant applications, seeking support for sponsored programs, or conducting institutional research of any kind in preparation for a grant or sponsored program, faculty/staff/administrators are required to first download, complete, and submit a Grant Pre-Certification Form to their supervisor, division Vice President as well as the Vice President for Fiscal Affairs. During the pre-award stage, the office of the division Vice President in conjunction with the Comptroller helps to facilitate the following:

  • identification of potential extramural funding sources
  • assurance of compliance with applicable federal and state regulations
  • assist researchers with developing competitive proposals
  • review proposal budgets to ensure proposal costs are reasonable, allowable, and allocable
  • approve proposal budgets to ensure accurate direct and indirect costs are budgeted
  • review, approve, negotiate, and activate awards
  • request award modifications, if necessary, including no-cost extensions, as needed
  • monitor subcontractors and perform closeouts, as needed
  • review and accept legal terms and conditions for conducting externally sponsored program activities

While faculty and/or staff may be the authors of proposals requesting funding, the Office of Fiscal Affairs serves as the recipient of external support on behalf of the College. As such, the College Fiscal Affairs and Academic Affairs Offices are responsible for oversight, compliance management, and appropriate conduct of sponsored activities on behalf of the principal investigator (PI) or project director. It is therefore imperative that the South Georgia State College maintains a coordinated approach to the review, approval, submission and management of all grants, awards and sponsored programs. Review and approval processes must be clearly defined and established to provide the institutions with appropriate controls for compliance and sound management of all sponsored activity. (Please click on Compliance Link for Instructions.)

Grants and Contracts


Contact Info
Academic and Student Affairs
100 W. College Park Dr.

Douglas, GA 31533
Phone: 912.260.4204
Email:  sara.selby@sgsc.edu

All research compliance is coordinated through the GCP while budget & finance will be processed through the Office of Fiscal Affairs. GCP will serve as the central point for the researchers in meeting their compliance and research ethics responsibilities.

Prior to submitting grant applications, seeking support for sponsored programs or conducting institutional research of any kind, faculty/administrators are required to FIRST download, complete, and submit a Grant Pre-Certification Form to the Grant and Contracts Program, a part of the Office of Academic Affairs (OAA) at South Georgia State College.

In addition to the Grant Pre-Certification Form, prior to initiating any institutional research or instruction involving either the safety and welfare of animals used in research and instruction, the safety of individuals who work or study within the research and instruction environment, or the protection of human subjects from research risks, you must also submit an application to the Institutional Review Board (the IRB ). Proof of IRB approval must be submitted to GCP by the appropriate representative from the IRB Board. Please visit the Institutional Review Board page for specific information regarding the Institutional Review Board (IRB).

Grants and Contracts

What are the Federal ID (Tax Exempt), EUI, and DUNS Numbers for South Georgia State College South Georgia State College?

  • 58-6002058 - South Georgia State College South Georgia State College State Federal ID (Tax Exempt) Number
  • 075943225 - DUNS Number
  • NNE6EY7JXAJ5 - Unique Entity Identifier

What is the South Georgia State College South Georgia State College’s registered IORG number, IRB number and Federal-Wide Assurance (FWA) number?

  • ORG Number -
  • IRB Number -
  • FWA Number -

To confirm current college registrations, click this link:

What are the fringe benefit rates?

Fringe Benefit Rates – Fringe costs are calculated on the salary and wages (including stipends).

  • Faculty and Staff - 35%
  • Students – 7.65%

What is the Indirect Cost Rate? (Facilities and Administrative Cost)

Indirect Cost Rate – Indirect cost rates are based on Total Direct Costs, consisting of all salaries, wages, fringe benefits, materials and supplies, services, travel and sub awards. Off-campus rates are used when more than 50% effort is expended off campus

  • On-Campus Rate – 10%
  • Off-Campus Rate – 10%

What are the Legislative district numbers?


  • 1st - Congressional District
  • 3rd - Georgia State House District
  • 3rd - Georgia State Senate District


  • 13th Congressional District
  • 13th Georgia State House District
  • 7th Georgia Senate District


Do I need to submit letters of collaboration when submitting a preliminary proposal?

Yes. The letters are necessary at the time of the preliminary proposal submission as you are committing another institution or person to work on your program, unless otherwise stated in the program guidelines.


Where at the institution can I get cost-sharing funding for my proposal?

The place to start when requesting cost-sharing is at the Dean level, followed by the Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs. Cost-sharing should not be included in your budget unless specifically required by the granting agency. Historically, it is a complicated process to administer properly and it does not increase the likelihood of a proposal being funded.


What items may be listed as MATCH or COST SHARE?

The main areas of cost sharing are equipment, personnel or travel. All of these items must be documented from a grant’s inception in order to utilize proper accounting procedures and ensure compliance with federal regulations. All cost sharing is subject to institutional approval.


How do I contact the Grants and Contracts Program?

Academic and Student Affairs
100 W. College Park Dr.

Douglas, GA 31533
Phone: 912.260.4204

Email: sara.selby@sgsc.edu


My grant is ending and I would like to transfer remaining funds to a miscellaneous account. What do I need to do?

You must contact the Grants and Contracts Program before you expend any funds for unapproved, non-budgeted purposes. Any remaining funds are normally returned to the granting agency unless specific written approval is given to the institution by the granting agency.


My grant calls for a subcontract to be prepared. How do I go about it?

The Principle Investigator must provide the following information to the GCP:

  1. The grant account number for the project
  2. The name of the entity which South Georgia State College is subcontracting
  3. The statement of work for the subcontractor
  4. The budget for the subcontractor
  5. The period of performance for the subcontract
  6. The name, address, telephone, fax and email address for the subcontractors: PI and contract administrator
  7. How the subcontractor is to invoice the institution: Monthly, quarterly, by a set schedule (provide the schedule dates for invoicing); pursuant to a deliverables schedule (if via a deliverables schedule, please provide that schedule).
  8. The name and address of the person to whom we should send the subcontract for signing (if different than the contract person).

Grants and Contracts

Final Certification Process

If you are reading these instructions, you have finally completed your grant proposal, the budget is correct, and you are ready to submit everything to the granting agency because your deadline is looming.

Now what do you do?

  1. The first thing that you need to know is that you must allow ten working days for the Grants and Contracts Program (GCP) and the Office of Fiscal Affairs to review your proposal, especially the budget. Prior to this, you need to process the Final Grant Proposal Certification Form, obtaining the required signatures of approval.
  2. Go to the Grants and Contracts Program webpage, click on Forms and download or print the Final Grant Proposal Certification Form.
  3. Provide copies of your final proposal to your dean (or appropriate supervisor), allowing sufficient time for them to review the proposal and your budget and to reaffirm their full support.
  4. Allow sufficient time to make any modifications that may be required as a result of the reviews by your dean or VP for Academic and Student Affairs.
  5. Obtain the required signatures; remember that the signatures that you obtained on the Grant Proposal Pre-Certification Form merely indicated that each person had agreed to allow you to proceed with your proposal development with an understanding of the nature of your idea, any course reassignment issues, any matching funds issues, and the alignment of your project with the mission and values of the institution.
  6. Bring two copies of the completed Final Grant Proposal Certification Form and a copy of your proposal to the Grants and Contracts Program for the final review and approval.
  7. Submit your proposal, with the assistance of the GCP if required, to the external granting agency, and think positive thoughts while you wait to hear if you have been funded.

Please remember that a primary goal of the Grants and Contracts Program is to help you produce a competitive proposal, have it successfully reviewed in-house, submit it on time, and, most importantly, get it funded. In doing so, however, we have to be confident that your supervisors fully understand and agree to all obligations included in your proposal, that the budget is correct, sound, and appropriate for the institution, that the institution will be fairly compensated for the administrative expenses of the grant, and that the necessary procedures are in place to monitor and ensure all compliances are fully met.