Use GALILEO to Locate Articles in Journals
GALILEO stands for Georgia Library Learning Online, an initiative of the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia.
A World Wide Web-based virtual library, GALILEO provides access to multiple information resources, including secured access to licensed products.
- If you are accessing GALILEO from a campus computer, go to the SGSC libraries homepage and click on the "GALILEO - Find Articles and More" link that is located under the search box.
- If you are accessing from an off campus computer, you will need to enter SGSC's current GALILEO password. Click here and follow the screen instructions to access the password from your My Account in GIL-Find or click on the "Get GALILEO Password" link from the libraries homepage.
The screen image shows that the GALILEO home page offers a quick Google-like search box. Or, you can click on Browse by Subject to search in databases that contain resources about specific subjects; Browse by Type to search in newspapers, videos, and other types of resources; Databases A-Z to search in the database of your choice; or Journals A-Z to search for an article in a particular journal.
Option 1: Search GALILEO Box (searches all types of databases for articles, books, media, and more at one type)(called discovery searching)
- Enter search term(s), and connect more than one term or phrase with appropriate Boolean operator(s). Use quotation marks to search fro phrases.
Option 2: Browse by Subject
- Click on Browse by Subject and then select a subject area from the list.
- Next, select a database with information about the subject of your search query.
- Then, enter search term(s), set limiters like full text, peer reviewed, date range, etc. and click on the 'Search' button.
Option 3: Browse by Type
- Select a publication type, i.e. Almanacs, Images and Maps, Quick Facts, Reference, Newspapers, etc.
- Enter search term(s), set limiters, and click on the 'Search' button.
Option 4: Databases A-Z
- Click on Databases A-Z and select desired database from GALILEO's total list or find database by clicking on the first letter of the database's name.
- Enter search term(s), set limiters like full-text, peer reviewed, data range, etc. and click on the 'Search' button.
Journals A-Z
- Locate a specific journal by first letter in an alphabetical list or find specific journal by name or keyboard.
- Choose the issue you need by clicking on date, volume, and issue number.
- Scroll through articles titles, and click on desired article title, PDF, or citation hyperlink.
- If you have an article citation, click on "Find Cited Article" and enter the information you have, such as article title, author, publish date, etc.
- Click on the Find Citation button.
Most Used GALILEO Databases
- Academic Search Complete: Mulit-disciplinary database, with more that 6,100 full-text periodicals, including more than 5,100 peer-reviewed journals.
- Research Library (at ProQuest): Wide range of popular academic subjects and includes full-text access for thousands of titles, including scholarly journals, trade publications, magazines.
- Literary Reference Center: A full-text database providing respected reference works, books, and literary journals with thousands of plot summaries, synopses, and work overviews; articles of leterary criticism; author biographies; full-text of over 430 literary journals; book reviews; classic and contemporary poesm and short stories; full-text of over 7,000 classic novels; author interviews; and image of key literary figures.
Learn to use Boolean Logic Operators for Searching Databases
AND - Decreases the search results (use AND between unrelated terms)
OR - Increases the search results (use OR betweeen synonyms-words that have the same or nearly the same meanings)
NOT - Excludes unwanted results
Concept | Search Examples | Retrieval Formula |
AND | children AND poverty "civil war" AND georgia |
Retrieves only records |
OR | sixties OR 60s OR 1960S labor OR labour |
Retrieves records |
NOT | "John Adams" NOT Quincey caribbean NOT cuba jockey NOT disc "civil war" NOT american |
Excludes records |
Adapted from: |
More Examples: | |
To increase search results for information about cats... (synonyms) | Search: cats OR felines |
To limit search results to information about dyslexia in adults... (unrelated terms) | Search: dyslexia AND adults |
To limit search results to information about radiation, but not nuclear radiation... | Search: radiation NOT nuclear |