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SGSC, Wiregrass, and Coastal Pines Sign Articulation Agreements Expanding Core Curriculum Opportunities For Students
Posted on Oct 21, 2023
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Collaboration between South Georgia State College (SGSC), Wiregrass Technical College (WGTC), and Coastal Pines Technical College (CPTC) was strengthened recently with the signing of new articulation agreements that provide additional educational opportunities for students.
The agreements signify a commitment among the three institutions to expand upon the transfer of core curriculum courses between the Technical College System of Georgia and the University System of Georgia. A WGTC or CPTC student who completes coursework towards a diploma or associate degree, is in good standing at the respective institution, and meets the appropriate SGSC admissions requirements will be ensured that courses included in the agreement will transfer into SGSC. As a result, the student can continue to work towards an Associate of Arts, Associate of Science, Bachelor of Arts, or Bachelor of Science degree.
SGSC Interim President Dr. Greg Tanner is grateful the agreements are in place because a strong USG-TCSG partnership benefits families in the region.
“We are thrilled to announce these articulation agreements between our three institutions,” said Tanner. “We will leverage each other’s respective strengths to provide enhanced educational opportunities and resources to students. These partnerships aim to promote seamless pathways for students, enabling them to pursue their academic and career goals more effectively. This is a significant step towards fostering educational excellence, workforce development and community growth in our region.”
For more information, please contact Sara Selby, interim vice president for academic and student affairs, at sara.selby@sgsc.edu.
PHOTO: L-R: Amanda Morris, Executive Vice President & Vice President for Academic Affairs, and Lonnie Roberts, President (Coastal Pines Technical College); Sara Selby, Interim Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs, and Dr. Greg Tanner, Interim President (South Georgia State College); DeAnnia Clements, President, April McDuffie, Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, and Dr. Shannon McConico, Vice President for Enrollment Management (Wiregrass Technical College).