About Library Psychology Research Orientation Quiz Library Psychology Research Orientation Please fill out the form below. Required fields are indicated with a * symbol. Thank you. Student and Course Information Full Name * First Name Last Name Instructor * Course Questions 1. To search in GALLILEO from a computer off campus, you will first have to retrieve and enter 1. To search in GALLILEO from a computer off campus, you will first have to retrieve and enter A. your birth date B. the GALLILEO password C. the author's name 2. The "Cite" links in GALILEO databases 2. The "Cite" links in GALILEO databases A. provide citations that are usually correct but should be checked before copying into a references list. B. provide citations which are always formatted correctly. C. provide formatted citations that cannot be used in a reference list. 3. The GALLILEO password changes 3. The GALLILEO password changes A. every semester. B. every academic year. C. at the end of the spring semester. 4. GALILEO will recommend psychology databases for you to search through a feature called 4. GALILEO will recommend psychology databases for you to search through a feature called a. the Discover search box. B. Browse by subject. C. Databases A - Z. 5. Some search screens in GALILEO's databases allow you to check a peer-review box to retrieve articles that 5. Some search screens in GALILEO's databases allow you to check a peer-review box to retrieve articles that A. are accessible from a PDF full text file. B. have been recently published in the past 3-4 years. C. are scholarly and have been reviewed by experts on the topic. 6. Your research topic should be 6. Your research topic should be A. narrowed so that you can adequately cover it in the number of pages required by the assignment. B. very broad so that you can find resources on it easily. C. a topic you dislike or know nothing about so that you can learn something new. 7. To construct a search strategy on your research topic, you should 7. To construct a search strategy on your research topic, you should A. type your thesis statement into a GALILEO search box. B. identify the keywords or phrases from your thesis statement to use as your search terms. C. look up you topic in a dictionary. 8. Which Boolean operator is used to connect search terms with similar meaning and increase search results 8. Which Boolean operator is used to connect search terms with similar meaning and increase search results A. OR B. AND C. NOT 9. For your professor to retrieve the article you submit to him or her, you must use 9. For your professor to retrieve the article you submit to him or her, you must use A. the Cite link. B. the Email link. C. the Permalink 10. For questions about finding resources on your research topic and research assistance, you should 10. For questions about finding resources on your research topic and research assistance, you should A. ask a librarian. B. do the best you can on your own. C. just use Google. 11. Please rate the following statement: The electronic Psychology Research Orientation helped me learn how to do library research. 11. Please rate the following statement: The electronic Psychology Research Orientation helped me learn how to do library research. A. strongly agree B. agree C. agree - disagree D. strongly disagree E. no opinion Please share any suggestions for ways in which we might improve the orientation. Thank you for completing the Quiz!