Life at SGSC



14th Annual Baldwin’s Ballers
2024 Basketball Camp‐Kids Camp
Ages 6‐15


Four sessions: $95 per camper per session –
(Discounts to campers who attend multiple sessions/ family discounts/ SGSC employee discounts)
*1st session: June 10‐13 *2nd Session: June 24‐27 *3rd Session: July 8‐11 (Douglas Campus) *4th Session: July 22‐25

$95 per camper per session (camp T‐shirt provided)
********If you register the day of the camp, there will be a $5 registration fee**********
If you register on‐line there is a $5 technology/processing fee
Discounts to campers who attend multiple sessions/ family discounts/ SGSC employee discounts
9:00 am – 3:00 pm each day of camp
Early drop‐off 8:00 am; late pick up 4:00 pm
Under 10 years old and want ½ day please communicate Coach Baldwin and a different rate will be applied
Lunch 12:00 noon ‐ 12:45 pm: bring a lunch or buy a lunch for $4‐$6
One Snack Time Pre‐Lunch and After Lunch – Snacks Available for $1 a piece
Make checks payable to: Waycross College Swampfoxes Booster Club