
Student Achievement Goals and Outcomes

Student Achievement Goals and Outcomes

South Georgia State College (SGSC) identifies, evaluates, and publishes goals and outcomes for student achievement appropriate to the institution’s mission, the nature of the students it serves, and the kinds of programs offered.

The Associate of Arts (AA) and Associate of Science (AS) pathway degrees are intended for students to transfer their work into a baccalaureate degree, while the College's "Focus Areas" within the AA and AS degrees as part of the University System of Georgia Momentum initiative that essentially serves as general studies transfer pathways for students who are undecided on their pathways or majors providing students with recommended courses in the Core that are tailored to expose students to key courses that provide exposure to potential majors, and help them to determine the transfer pathway or major that they want to pursue. The Associate of Science in Nursing (ASN) is intended to allow students to move directly into the workforce as Registered Nurses. Beyond associate degree offerings, SGSC offers seven bachelor's degree programs – BS Nursing, RN to BSN; BS Biological Sciences; BS Elementary/Special Education; BS Long Term Healthcare Management; BS Management; BS Mechanical Engineering Technology; BS Public Service Leadership – that meet economic growth and employment needs of south-central Georgia.

SGSC uses multiple measures to evaluate and document student success. These measures are directly related to the institution’s Moving Forward: 2019-2024 Strategic Plan, Goal 3: “SGSC will improve student success rates as measured by course completion, retention, graduation and transfer to other post-secondary institutions after preferably attaining a degree from SGSC.” Student success in Nursing programs is also measured by licensure pass rates for NCLEX-RN, and teacher education student success is also measured by pass rates on the Georgia Assessments for the Certification of Educators (GACE). In view of SGSC’s role as a USG state access college, the institution’s mission and strategic plan, and the institution’s student demographics, the following are the SGSC student achievement metrics:

  1. One-year retention rates for first-time full-time (FTFT) associate degree-seeking freshmen
  2. Three-year graduation rates for FTFT associate degree-seeking freshmen
  3. Number of associate’s and bachelor’s degrees conferred
  4. Transfer Admissibility and First-Term Grade Point Average at Receiving USG Institutions
  5. Pass Rates on National Licensure Examination-Registered Nurse (NCLEX-RN)
  6. Scores on Georgia Assessments for the Certification of Educators (GACE)

All but the last two metrics, both of which are SGSC academic programs with professional discipline- accrediting and state governance, are integral parts of SGSC’s “Complete College Georgia” annual report required and publicly published by the University System of Georgia to provide annual institutional updates based on data analysis related to student success strategies.